Tuesday, January 21, 2020

January 21, 2020 - Tuesday

Class Work

1. Movie Reviews . . . How would you rate your movie? 

2. We have a few leftovers! Before we to back to the underworld, let's get to know some of the gods and goddesses who lived on earth.

6. The Underworld/Hades - (Let's draw!)  You will be completing your illustrations!  Let's talk . . .

Kingdom of the dead
Acheron (River)
Cocytus (River)
Elysian Fields
3 more rivers ( Phlegethon, Styx, Lethe)
Pluto's palace
Erinyes (Furies)
Sleep & Death

Post your illustration. Grab a "map" of the Underworld and prepare to go on a journey. You will be the guide as a "dearly departed" soul takes the final journey. Decide if the soul you will guide was "good" or "bad" while mortal.

Handout:  What are your beliefs about death and an afterlife? You have five minutes to respond in writing. Use the handout. 

3. Class work/Homework:  Your task is to research and report on the beliefs of death and the afterlife from a culture other than Greek or Roman.  Information is available at the EMCC library link. Of course, information is also available in books and on the Internet. 
(Caution: Wikipedia is a place to start, but it should NOT be one of your sources. Try looking at the various links.)

You will be working with a partner. Here are some suggested choices. (One group/one cultural report)  

Create a PowerPoint presentation to: 

Identify the culture (place and time)
Identify the god(s) and/or goddess(es) 
Visually tour of the afterlife/underworld.
Give credit to your sources. 

Make sure the name of the presenters and the culture appear on the first slide. 

(75 points)

In class on Thursday, you will take us on a tour! (25 points)

A. Egypt
B. Norse
C. Celtic
D. Finland
E. India/Tibet (Hindu)
F. Mesopotamia
G. China
H. Canaanite
I. Aztec/Mexico
J. Mayan
K. Haiti
L. Polynesia
M. Jewish
N. Islamic
O. Christian
P. Native American
Q. Inca
R. Other . . .

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