1. This was the homework:
Locate, read, and be ready to tell of story of how something in the natural universe/world came to be.
How tigers got their stripes
Why the wind blows
Why the moon changes in size
Why it rains
Etc . . . This is by no means an exhaustive list. Let's add to the possibilities!
1. Give the element of nature as the title.
Identify the culture and location (5 points)
2. Relate the story in points/bullets (10 points)
3. Provide a picture(10 points)
4. Give credit to your sources (5 points) YouTube has many viewing options. Conduct a quick Google search for options. The world is filled with stories of how things in the universe came to be.
5. Share the story in class. You have 2 1/2 minutes. (20 points)
(Post 1-4 in Canvas by Tuesday, February 4, 2020. )
Now, gather around the fire and tell your story. You may make notes on an index card to reference as you relate the tale.
2. Why were myths told? Why was there a need for myths? Does that need still exist? (Discussion) http://myths.e2bn.org/about/info273-why-were-the-stories-told.html
3. Create your own myth to explain how or why some animal or feature of the animal exists.
A. Let's look at a popular one from Africa.
We will create a list of what to include in your own myth. Write down this list or snap a picture from the board. You will need the elements for your homework.
B. Let's brainstorm some possible topics.
C. Homework:
Write your story. Be sure to include the required elements from the list we created in class. Please include one picture and one sound effect. (onomatopoeia)
Explain who needs to know this? (Demographic information)
Post the original myth in Canvas. We will READ these to each other on Thursday. Have fun!
Writing: 50 points
Reading to the class: 25 points
Demographic information, sound effects, and illustration: 25 points
100 points total
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